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Alice Drive Middle

Alice Drive Middle School Athletic Participation Fees | 2023-2024

Saturday, July 1st – Friday, May 31st

Alice Drive Middle

40 Miller Road, Sumter SC 29150

We look forward to supporting our Athlete's throughout the 2023-2024 school year! 

In order for all athlete's to participate within their desired sport, they must pay their participation fee and must have completed their physical. 

There will be NO refunds on Athletic Participation Fees. 

Please reach out to Alice Drive's Athletic Department if you have any questions or concerns. 




Bates Middle

Links below are for Away Games(Choose the team Bates will be playing)

R. E. Davis College Preparatory Academy

RE Davis Athletic Participation Fees | 2023-2024

Saturday, July 1st – Friday, May 31st

R. E. Davis College Preparatory Academy

345 Eastern School Road, Sumter SC 29153

We look forward to supporting our Athlete's throughout the 2023-2024 school year! 

In order for all athlete's to participate within their desired sport, they must pay their participation fee and must have completed their physical. 

There will be NO refunds on Athletic Participation Fees. 

Please reach out to Alice Drive's Athletic Department if you have any questions or concerns.